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What is Reverse ETL?

Last updated Sep 7, 2022 - Edit Source

Reverse ETL is the flip side of the ETL

What is ETL?

ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) is a paradigm for moving data from one system to another. It involves reading data...



What is ELT?

ELT (Extract, Load, and Transform) is a data integration approach that extracts (E) data from a source system, and loads...


With Reverse ETL, the data warehouse becomes the source rather than the destination. Data is taken from the warehouse, transformed to match the destination’s data formatting requirements, and loaded into an application – for example, a CRM like Salesforce – to enable action.

In a way, the Reverse ETL concept is not new to data engineers, who have been enabling data movement warehouses to business applications for a long time. As Maxime Beauchemin

Maxime Beauchemin

Creator of [Apache Airflow]] and [Apache Superset. Started as Business Intelligence Engineer and is working now at (Superset as a...


mentions in  his article, Reverse ETL “appears to be a modern new means of addressing a subset of what was formerly known as  Master Data Management (MDM)

What is Master Data Management (MDM)?

Master data management is a method to centralize master data. It's the bridge between the business that maintain the data...



Read more about in Reverse ETL Explained.